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gAgB gCgD gEgF gGgH gIgJ gKgL gMgN gOgP gQgR gSgT gUgV gWgX gYgZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
LULU LU LU garments +oval 25
M.G. garments 25
MEEM garments +sword 35
MOTHER india garments 25
MOUGLI garments +boy 25
N.P. garments 25
NG NEELAM garments 24
OTTO garments 25
OXER under garments +star 25
P PULSAR garments 25
P.K. garments 25
garments 25
PAUL garments 3, 14, 25, 35
PAUL garments +face 18, 24
PLANET G exclusive garments 25
PRAFUL garments 25
PREMIER garments 25
QUA garments 25
R RHINO garments +circle 25
RAHUL garments 25
RAINBOW garments +arcs 25
RANGOLI readymade garments 35
ROOPALI garments +boy & gir 25
S.C.P. garments 25
S.N.S. garments 25
S.R.S. garments +star 25
SACHDEVA garments 25
SAHIL garments +woman 25
SAIMA garments 35
SAM SAMRUDDHI garments 25
SAMUNDER garments 3-ESS 25
SHAAKI garments 25
SHREE NAGAJI garments 25
SHRINIDHI garments 25
SHYAM garments 25
SHYAMU garments 25
SIDDHESWARI garments limite 25
SLG SIDDHESWARI garments lt 25
SMART garments 25
SN SHREE NAGAJI garments 25
SONIA garments 25, 35
STAR TEX garments +arcs 25
SUDAR garments +bird 25
SUMAN garments 24
SURIYAN garments sg 25
T TAYMONDS garments 25
T.K.T. garments +oval arrow 25
TEXME garments +oval 25
TITAN NG NATURE garments 25
TOP GOLD garments +square 25
VARELI fashion garments 25
WAYS garments MSA +ribbon 25
ZEENATH garments kottakkal 24
ZOORA garments +plants 26
ZOORA garments +wreath 25, 35
gm MEER garments +circle 25
gm MEER garments +oval 25
mg MASHA garments +oval 25
s SILMIYA garments 25
sg IDEAL garments 25
shree NAGA JI garments 25
shree NAGAJI garments 25
smart cow boy garments 35
sn IDEAL garments 2 25
somani garments sg +cogwhee 25
vg VIKRAM garments 25
SG super garnet abrasive 3
mkm garry american casuals 25
garuda +bird & oval 5
gas GOLD 11
gas MASTER 11, 20
gas RYDER 12
gas guard +bell 9
gas palayan gutika +triangl 5
gas station 4, 35, 36, 37, 43
gas-LINKS +flame 11
gas-MATIC 12
gas/SPEC 1
AJILA auto gas +oval 37
APOLO gas lighter 11
ASIAN gas 1
ATC l.p.g. gas knob 11
B-SURE gas pipe +shield 17, 19
BILT gas lighter +bird 11
BOXER NO.1 gas mantle 11
BRAZER butane gas cartridge 4
BRC gas equipment 7
BRC gas equipment +squares 7, 9
BRIGHT gas lighter +squares 11
BSE oil & gas 36
CHAMPION gas mantle +man 11
CITY KING l.p. gas stove 11
CITYGEN gas equipment 11
CUBO gas PIGNONE +square 9
CYCLE gas mantle +woman 11
DG JYOTHI gas +flame 4
DURA auto gas 4, 16, 37
FARGO ELECTRICAL gas lighte 11
FARGO'S SHUBHAM gas mantle 11
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